Fans Want to Know Where Laurel Is on 'HTGAWM' — and if She's Still Alive
By Leila KozmaOct. 31 2019, Updated 1:08 p.m. ET
The ultimate season of How to Get Away With Murder does no longer disappoint. Packed with mind-boggling twists and turns, the first six episodes confirmed us what a mystery looks like.
"Say Goodbye" saw Annalise (Viola Davis) regain awareness in rehab, having fed on an amount of unlawful components that would make a rebellious college pupil jealous. The plot doesn't decelerate after. But the biggest twist of all? Laurel's (Karla Souza) disappearance.
Why did Laurel leave HTGAWM? Let's in finding out.
Why did Laurel leave HTGAWM? She disappeared all over a bar crawl became unsuitable.
The first episode of Season 6 gave us considerable of teeny-tiny, barely noticeable, and all the extra frustrating cues as to what may have tentatively happened to Laurel, the legislation graduate with the face of an angel and a devilish mind. As we be told from "Say Goodbye," the mother of 1 is likely to have died after she disappeared from the bar crawl shown in "Please Say No One Else is Dead."
As to the cues? In an early scene, we watch Laurel's son, Christopher, roam round in a graveyard (spooky) and open a coffin (standard) simplest to reveal Annalise's frame (in what can simplest be described as a height How to Get Away With Murder second) and shout in an arrogant, no longer specifically becoming model the following, sparse-worded, though-no-less-lethal, sentence: "Stay dead, b---h."
Annalise's vividly-colorful, far-fetched dreams hardly ever compare to the fountain of reality. However, a definite pattern does emerge throughout her kaleidoscope-like, 'Take that, Lewis Carroll!" type visions: she associates Laurel with death.
Karla left the show abruptly, and the creators didn't clarify why.
Neither Nowalk nor the actress issued a press statement explaining her abrupt vanishing from the show. However, it's been recently announced that Karla will play a crucial role in the forthcoming television show revolving around a Chilean football player who finds himself involved in a corruption scandal, titled El Presidente, while she is also shooting two full feature films, titled The Sleepover and The Jesuit. Her departure might have had to do with her other engagement.
Laurel's character could still be resurrected.
Like a phoenix rising from its bland, grey ashes, Laurel's character stands a faint chance of being brought back to life. As TVLine's Michael Ausiello argues, the creators of the show might reveal certain aspects surrounding her – tentative – murder, or throw us a few cues as to what she could have undergone since the most hectic bar crawl known in the history of popular entertainment. (Including the Hangover series, should I add.)
"[The plot surrounding Laurel's disappearance] is considered one of the largest mysteries this season," Peter Nowalk said to TVLine. Without giving away too much, Peter also ventured so far as to drop a few, carefully-chosen hints. To soothe the fans burning with desire to find out what could have possibly happened to one of the main protagonists, Peter also added that we will eventually be inundated into what took place during the hellish night depicted on "Please Say No One Else is Dead."
"We’ll you need to be supplying you with answers as quickly as possible [as to] the place Laurel and Christopher are [...] Laurel’s executed some shady things in the past, so the possibility of her disappearing herself may be very actual. Or, as a result of her circle of relatives is so loopy, they may have taken her. Or someone else could have taken her. All of those questions are on the characters’ minds and the target market’s mind, so we’ll be seeking to supply them with clues as to what actually happened," Christopher said.